OK. That's fine.
It's time to think about what I have done or been doing in this year.
(The door is closing. Can you see my cute girl behine the CLOSED door? )
Well, at first, what I did in the last day of November 2006 were:
1. I gave most of my responsibilities to others.
After being taken the interesting job, perhapse I might loose my energy in somewhere. Anyway the rest of my jobs has been ,in a sense, some target of another team(actually for two years). So I gave up them, too. Instead, I could care of one more teammate. What will I do in the next year ? Don't worry, there're lots of works waiting for me, and I still have passions for works no matter what they would be.
2. Things in legal
It's the day I promised for paying all the money for the new house. So I visited to the realter's office with my wife in the afternoon, met the ex-owner of the house, paid for the really-big-bucks, visited to the bank for a new loan assignment, and dropped to the construction company for changing the contract. And then returned to the realter's office for the final deal.
Complex? Yes, they were.
Happy? Happy for the new house ?
No, not I am, not yet, at least. A lot of stresses for all of the above steps. It's hard to talk about everything... It's a really funny convention in this ridiculous country. Ugly.
3. Doctor gave me a bunch of pills.
I forgot the assignment in the late afternoon, but a call from hospital(it's very surprising, isn't it? ). Fortunately since I was at home after the above annoying works, and the hospital was so close from my home, I could meet the doctor in time, and this time he gave me a slip for 3 weeks medicine to cool down my numbers.
What I got finally were some medicine for hypochondria, some nervous sedative for over-sensitive poor spirit, and some drugs for sleepless nights. In fact, I'm not sure these were needed at the moment.
Cheers, anyway !! It's DECEMBER, the HOLIDAY season, now !