The First Hunting
OK. The first hunting was done.I had contracted for a cozy apartment currently being built last night.
Thanks for your patient waiting for my decision.
The place I chose is roughly Yongsan and specifially in the Munbaedong, which is a typical old town and is planned to develope in near future.
The left photo shows it. I quote the photo without any permissions but the source is here and click it for more information.
I've never thought or imagined this kind of the results, but the interesting things are:
My wife said the fortuneteller forecasted we could get the target at the last day of the month, and surprisingly yesterday was the last day of September in lunar calendar.
My wife said the fortuneteller said moving to the WEST would be very bad for us, and fortunately it's SSE. In fact, Yonheedong, Daeheungdong, and Ahyundong were very strong candidates, but excluded in the final decision. I might be care about her advice..
My wife said the fortuneteller said the house owners in Chebudong would not sell theirs in neat future. That seems to be true. No good one for a month.
Actually the fact my wife visited to the fortuneteller with my mom and sister was more surprising.
While I was searching for a house in one month, I got some idea how people were making money using real-estates, and why the market was so unstable and the price was not stopping to raise. Through visiting to more than 30 real-estates agents/offices and through discussions with them, I got a hint what I had to do. Buying an under-esteemated old townhouse in a new development or remodelling areas in goverment plans. Actually I studied for most of such areas in Seoul.
The result was, however, quite far from the analysis and not matched with my own original plan. Even my wife and I agreed to live for a moment in a terrible conditions if it could compromise for some financial benefits, but the final choice was a brand-new expensive apartment with a big-debt, which was not for my style. (I had to admit that I needed to think about kids. In fact, SJ was so nervous whenever we visited to haunting houses, which I really want to buy. . )
Now, I'm facing to new problems:
The new apartment will be available in the August/September in the next year, so we need to find another shelter for 8 months. I think we would stay at my sisters' home for about two months..but no idea after that..
The second problem is the debt. I need to work more for more money. I don't know how..
Anyway I'm very happy I could get rid of one headaching serious item from my todo list.
Now you're finalize the real estimate problem.
In my case, when I buy my home, I was nervous for BIG debt. But now, my feeling is insensible day by day because stress of homeless is stronger than any other stress I think.
Of course, we can meet some problem we don't know in the future, but as you know too much thinking does not give us the best solution. Because this real world is not deterministic.
Anyway, I think it's time for us to meet,drink something and talk about your result. Don't you agree?
There is no dought it was very hard time to find new nest to settle.
Finally you've got nice house.
I would like to hear your house hunting odyssey soon.
Yup. when are you convenient??
Frankly speaking, this week is a sort of chaos in my company, due to the regular promotion and re-organization...Our dept was disappeared in the ouline announced on monday.. huhu..
Amsterdam would be a better solution if I knew it a week ealier...
I prefer next week. It's up to you taking certain date except Friday.
I go to Shihwa every Friday.
How about tuesday?
I prefer earlier of week days due to my remain jobs.
sorry, i'm going to go to daejon on tuesday. how about wed ?
O.K. Wednesday is fine.
No problem.
How about going to Yoejaman at Insadong?
I'm not sure the Jeoner is still available. But I'm sure Komak.
ok. wednesday, at Insadong
Find Yoejaman's phone # 725-9829 out.
Then when we have to meet?
7:30 PM? 8:00 PM?
7:30 is fine, but my situation in the company was really bad. OTL
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