London Figures I Saw(2)
The St. James park was also very beutiful and nice place. After looking around the Big Ben and the West Minster Chusch, I could arrived at the Buckingham Palace through the park..
Another View at the park
Diana Memorial Pathway at the parkBuckingham Palace, The Queen's Place.
4. The British Museum
You know how wonderful its collections are, especiallyfor Egyptian and Greek arts. Only short time(less than three hours..unfortunately) was availabe, so we didn't have enough time to enjoy the FOREIGN arts..
Inside of the entrance, the British Museum
Old Kings ?
The famous Paraoh..
From the Athene Temple
Beautiful Poses
After dinner, we wandered the street for minutes, and decided to go London Eye to feel the London's night landscape.
TheTrafalgar Square. I was wondering here why we didn't place our holy General Lee into some high place like Nelson in this picture..Yeah. the expensive London-Eye.
Pictures will be continued..
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