Recent Readings
I believe that a regular reading (on any subject) is a very good habit for an affulent life. Nevertheless, it's very difficult to make (a comfortable) time to read in real life with many excuses. Especially for a normal salary man like me. For example, I get up at 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning and begin to work after one-hour FAT-BURN job. In the evening, I arrive at home at 8:30 or 9:00 if I don't have any appointment and then go to bed with kids together and usually read out loudly one or two childrenbook till the kids(actually the first son) get asleep. Then in the 10:30 pm roughly, I can make some time for reading if I don't get asleep with kids *luckily*.
Otherwise, commute bus ridings or lunch time gives the another chance to do it.
(Anyway doing something regulary is really hard regardless of my laziness..)
These days I'm reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy(by D. Adams) and 4 Weeks Body Revolution(by DK Han). And recently I read the Broker(by J. Grisham) and Boy:the tales of childhood(by R.Dahl)I'm starting the Hitchhiker's Guide weeks ago, but feeling some difficulties to fully understand it at once and quite slowly going forward though I really like this kind of SF books like the foundation series. It is due to its unaccustmed and unfamiliar style, voca and method for story unfolding. I've never read his books before. And possibly due to lack of time.
But it's fun anyway in using Encyclopedia Galactica(without courtesy? he). The imagination, satire, and metaphor is impressing.
The Body Revoltion is a nice weight training guide book and I' m reading it shortly on bed though I'm not following the instructions it gives. What I've learned from it is that an over-training is not an exercise or practice at all and a pain( from over-training) is just a pain. Totally agree that. I think it's useful for my current FAT-BURN program.The Broker. I was waiting till the price was down for almost a year, bought it in the late February and read it quite quickly. The thrilling story like other Grisham's books was fine but I felt the storyborad in the last few chapters was not sufficient: the tension thoughout the story was relieved too quickly.
Dahl's boy was an interesting book with his own childhood memories and episodes. Quite funny and easy to read. I liked his style, particulary, simple and vivid. And I was enjoying finding hints from the episodes for his other books like Chocorate Factory.
Now I can understand why you have abundant English vocabulary.
I've bought several expensive English books but only stacked on bookshelf.
Today I recalled the reason what was major motive starting exercise and smiled. It's really still funny.
I would recommend you to keep exercise on continuously because managing health is priority number one. You can do it first and then you can do others or work.
Oh~~ no. This advice will not work well on you.
I would recommend you to keep exercise on continuously. Otherwise you will lose health and it will absolutely cost extremely very much occasionally. HHH
Anyway I have been finding good weight trading guidance.
Do you think the health book you listed over worth of order?
To Stone: I'll write more detailed book review now on, cheers!
To Raph: I'll bring the book to the party, and check it by yourself. I think it's helpful to me but not successful to reduce the waist size still.
One more acknowledgement.
Right, Raph. One of the most important motives is the advice that the total cost for recovering from ill health will not be affordable for me...
Opps, I *did* bring it, but nobody didn't look nterested, so.. hh
Opps, I *did* bring it, but nobody didn't look nterested, so.. hh
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