English writing practices. Any comments for my english will be VERY APPRECIATED.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

My new photo archive

I'm thinking about a photo archives for weeks and right now I have my account on IGLOO.

I'm not sure how long I'll keep this IGLOOS site, because I'm comparing the site with Yahoo and the IGLOO is operated by SK.. Anyway at a first glance, it looked very simple and convenient.

For the test purpose, I made two photo albums from the posting This week's harvest(2006/07/28).

You can see them here
"the second harvest".
"the rest of the day, another fun".


Raphael CH Lee said...

You are very active nowadays.
I think Egool has more advanced feature.

Is there any function to leave a comment on photos?

SJ, SW made very good portraits.

Raphael CH Lee said...

I'd like to ask you correct my link.

Wind Stopper said...

OK. corrected.
Please visit numi.egloos.com and comment which would be better: photologs in this phosting, or plain posting in Igloos..

There's reasons.. check the posting time here and in igloos. too hot to sleep well.. these days..