The First Guest in Many Years
Yes, it's true.
It's true that we couldn't invite any guest to home for many years. No way.Having two cute but little kids, we had no rooms for any other things except caring about kids so far. Hospitality for kids only. Recent successive parties with 4x4 members, however, gave some hints for how starting social activities with little kids, but we were not sure still it would work well. Anyway we were considering at the moment a mini-party at home in near future.
By the way in one day of the last week, one of my best friends, KKK called me and said suddenly he would like to visit to me on this Sunday. We couldn't meet each other for quite a long time, he would be a father in this Novemeber, and we were discussing about some future business in months, so it would be very nice to meet and talk at this time.
So we invited them without a thought. That's fine to me, but to my wife it meant she had to prepare meals and drinks, which she had not tried for many years. As worried, it was determined later as a difficult thing.
At first, we had a mistake in time assumptions and scheduling. They arrived while I was cleaning home and trying to find proper places for laundries. Then, they had to wait almost an hour for lunch. The food was not so bad, but many of them was remained.. (I had to confess: actually my wife had prepared everything alone, and I didn't do anything. If I had helped, it would've been better. And if we finished the preparations in time, I could have got some photos for them. But it looked bad to take photo for late lunch, so I didn't take any.)
Instead, this was the photo on what KKK and his wife gave us as a present. Choco muffins and assorted cookies they made till the late night of the day before. Very delicious and fantastic. Bakery business looked to be possible for them. My two kids ate them greedily, forgetting to express thanks. We enjoyed a lot.
After the rain at the day before, the weather was incredibly clear and wonderful. It tempted me to go out with saying:what were you doing here at home in this lovely weather. But we had a guest, and it was not bad at all. We had also a great time with them. But no nice pictures. So, I took the moon pictures again.

I don't know why I did this silly job again. Possibly for a fun. The bright moonlights on the living room and the bed room led me to the balcony to watch the big moon when we switched off all the lights to go sleep.
Yup. Trimming and resizing was done, too, for this moon picture.
(The Moon's view from the city of Seoul, 2006.9.10. around 11 pm)
I have curiosity on what the future business discussion was.
Cookies looks very delicious.
Future!! LOL!!
I'll tell you later...
Yup, cookies are really nice and I think I'd never had such delicious cookies.. Usually in bakery, those kinds of are too expensive..
Mmmm... I can hear your future business next week.
Anyway, what a moon pictures!
I can't even think about that idea.
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