4x4: The Second Island Tour (2)
Chinldren seem to be crazy for water and clay for their play. In the sense, a beach can be a sort of perfect places for them to enjoy. Yeah, all of them showed their fatigueless performace for almost two days.
It would be unforgettable moments for them at least in a year, before the next island visit.
Fathers often had their own time apart from their families. Usually in the cases, alcohol was a bait.
Well, SJ looked pretty nervous after a walk. He got that there's no icecream shop there..
The cute girl, an almost-professional model her father said. Actually Hyunseo and her brother Jihoon are really wonderful kids, so mild with good manners.
Hmm, couldn't have a word..
If I'd taken a little bit lower position, I might get rid of or put down the useless two objects in the picture. Lovely sisters. Actually SW asks quite often she want to meet and play with Yonsoo and Kaeun after the trip..

Waiting for the ferryboat to the land in tha late afternoon on Sunday, May 27th. Ready to leave. And dreaming the next island tour as well.
When did you get these good pictures. I was never aware of taking picutre.
I'll tell my daughter what I read from here.
Your posting has a suject - "The children". Almost of posting pictures are about a child or children. I fully agree your subject. If someome had asked me that "What was your favorit memory in this trip", I would have saying like this without hesitation - "The children and sand play" .
Of course, your dinner was fantastic and I really appreciated for it.
Ah, thanks. The dinner.. Your wonderful appetite was the key for the dinner.. My pleasure if all of you enjoyed it..
Yup, a trip for children... happy memories...
Raphael, Your show was one of the highlights of the trip. Why not taking pictures.. ^^
Have a good day..
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