I'm used to dreaming a holiday in a nice beach with the hot sun, funny books, and sweet drinks or in some exotic scenery with unfamiliar cultures. In the Wikipedia, people are talking about holidays like :
The word holiday has related but different meanings in English-speaking countries. Based on the words holy and day, holidays oiginally represented special religious days. The workd has evolved in general usage to mean any specail day. In most of the English-speaking world, a holiday is also a period spent away from home or business in travel or recreation.
I agree the real holiday means to be away from the usual dailiy life and works. At least , a holiday should be for a fun. But in reality, it's quite different. Doing some chores at home or playing with kids, which should have been a part of the usual daily life, is often a holiday mission. It's hard and sad, but it doesn't mean I complain, because I know I must be missing these days in the not-so-far future.
Anyway in the last weekend, my wife and I were very busy because of the Children's day, the Buddiest holiday, and the coming Parent's day. The followings are what we did in this May holidays.
My son was kindly invited to Children's opera at Seongnam in the Friday afternoon, and so we visited to Bundang and stayed at my sister's home while the kid went to Art Center with his cousin and uncle. In the evening of the day, we took a walk in the Bundang Central Park with her family. No pictures for the Seongnam Art Center and the Bundang Central Park unfortunately, but I felt living near the big park was very nice even if there was no beautiful park views at home.
Returning to home, we dropped in the Jogyesa Temple, the main temple of the Jogye Order, Insadong, Seoul. It was not planned but we celebrated Buddha's birthday, watching the beautiful lotus lanterns covering the night sky full.
My son joined in the baby Buddha washing rite for a moment.
( Lotus Lanterns at the
Jogeysa Temple)
In the next day, we visited to my parent and spent a half day wth them. They really love the kids.
The kids enjoyed the visit with eating, playing, and painting with their grandparent and cousin.
So the visit was nice even though we couldn't prepare the Parent's day gifts, which we couldn't decide yet.
Frankly speaking, I spent more than two hours for washing and waxing my car, which had been so dirty and soiled by Yellow sand and rains for a month.
( It's Spring there and the clean windows after car washing)

In the last day, yesterday, my wife and son went to children's musical. The musicians of Bremen at Chongdong theatre, in downtown of Seoul. He was so much excited to the show and looked very pleased. It must be easy to understand and funny.
(Oneof the show posters.)
In the meanwhile, I was wandering round the chongdong street
with the toddler, my cute daughter, where I had a lot of memories for my young days. Thereafter, we all went to Seoul Museum of Art, SEMA. In the past, the building had been used for Supreme Court but rigth now, a small but nice art musium through remodeling.
There's no new exhibitions, and the hall 1,2 and 3 were closed for the next show, but we enjoyed the late Paik N.J's video work and Cheon Kyung Ja collection.
(The SEMA Building and the view from its cafeteria on the 3rd floor.)
Buying Jinseng-Chicken soup for dinner was the last job in the long holidays.
P.S. Editing is too hard and uploading pictures are too difficult and slow here. It tooks a lot for this posting. I'm hesitating for not-uploading pictures anymore..
나는 예전에 글을 하나 날린적도 있음.
그래서 생각하는게, 길게 쓰지 말것. 길어져야 하는 경우, 나누어 쓸것. 사진은 최대 두개가 적당함.. 이정도임..
이번글은 쓰고, 사진고르고 하는데 한 한시간 정도 걸렸는데, 올리고 포맷고치는데 무려 3시간 가까이 걸렸음.. 이런짓을 다신 안할 예정임..
말두 마... 애 재우고 한 10시 반이나 11시 되어서 한 30분 끄적거릴려구 한건데, 이번거 올린다구 2시 반까지 뭉기적거렸음.. 허리도 아파...
근데, 이렇게 서비스 해서.. 장사가 되나 몰라...
오옷~ 좀 늦게 찾아 왔네. 댓글 채팅들을 하고 계셨구먼..
멋진 주말에 멋진글! 고맙군. 좋은 읽기가 되어서. 풍부한 어휘 덕분에 모르던 단어들도 배워가구 좋은걸.
3시간이라.. 대단한 정성인걸. 결과물을 보니 그 만한 가치가 있는거 아닐까 싶다. 단, 억지로 의무감이면 곤란할 꺼구 필 꽂힌 경우라면 아무래도 보기좋은 떡이 먹기도 좋은거 아닐까?
시간이 지날 수록 더 빛나는 추억이 될지도..
관악산 두번째 포스팅까지 사진을 좀 올리다 보니 어려움을 많이 겪었는데 나름대로 팁이 생겼서 지금은 별 어려움을 안 느낀다.
글 날라가는 문제야 꼭 웹만 그런거 아니구 자주 저장해야지..
다음 심각했던 사진문제는 좀 고생을 하다 알게 된 건데.
1. 사진은 올라 간다.
2. HTML 자동 생성 전환만 안되었을 뿐이다.
대충 사진 올려 놓고 다른 포스팅의 "<"img src .... 이거 뜯어다가 화일 이름만 바꾸고 저장하면 작업 끝난다.
좋은 글 재밌게 잘 읽었다.
우리 집도 한번 서울 나들이 가봐야 겠는걸..
well.. it's like I said!
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