My Fat Burn Project - A Progress Report
"Are you happy?" -my wife
"I know you are one of poisonous species"- one of my colleagues.
"Wow, I would begin exercises, too" - another colleague.
"Wow, I would begin exercises, too" - another colleague.
(note. I directly translated to poisonous species from dok-jong in korean, and its actual meaning is 'too firm' with slightly negative nuances and it can be also translated to spiteful or malicious..I think )
Most of responses from colleagues or friends when I told I had reduced about 8 kilograms through jogging and training without a diet were half praises(or compliments) and half envies. Even my wife asked me if it could be a pursuit. I said yes, absolutely, and it was really good for appearance, health as well as self-confidence. I advised her to start any kind of exercises soon, but it seems to be hard for her at the moment ..
During the past three months and till today, 40 minutes jogging and 10 to 15 minutes weight training have been the main program. Sometimes, 50 miniutes walking has been done together. The most important thing was to do it more than 4 times a week, and I've tried to keep it.
Right now, I think it's time to change the program a little bit to accelate the fat-losing speed and make a well-balanced body. Getting rid of the ugly beer gut, reducing the waist size, and hardening mustles will be the primary targets in the next stage. The program will be :
50 mins jogging/10 mins weight training on the first and the third day,
30 mins jogging /30 mins weight training on the second and the fourth day,
at least four days exercises a week as well,
but this time, with a diet - less eating at dinner and skipping beers at nights.

(My weight change status and target till the end of August)
I'm happy because you are one of good evidence for proving not-so-hard-to-burn-FAT. ^^
It took couple of months to reduce 8 Kg for me.
But It took another 10 month to reduce extra 3 Kg for me.
I belive I still have 3-4 Kg of exess fat.
Nowadays I'm very interest in carving myself.
If you are planning weight training program, I strongly recommend you having whey protein because it would help you making muscle a lot.
I can inform you very economic way to buy it from USA directly. It costs just one-third comparing to autherized dealer in Korea.
Wow, massive mustles! It may be fantastic, but at the moment I'm not considering any other supplements like protein except vitamins. I'll consider it later..
Thanks for your advice, anyway.
agree it'll take more for additional loss, but I'll try..
no need for new clothes anymore, but I'll try to loose more..
back pain? still taking pills..
Taking protein is not only for massive muscle but also for efficiency. I’m drinking protein everyday aiming to increase weight training effect. Actually I don’t like muscle of body builder’s.
I had weight training without protein for 6 month. Currently I’m taking protein when I finish exercise everyday.
Jumping to a conclusion ….whey protein helps my exercise pretty much.
Please consider taking it seriously.
New muscle requires additional nutrition.
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