English writing practices. Any comments for my english will be VERY APPRECIATED.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

London Figures I Saw(1)

1. Dockland in the early morning.

Dockland is a new commercial/residential area recently developed in East London. What I heard about it is that it had been sitting deserted for a long time as a thrown-away old port and then a government company has started to develop the area for a modern city, and still being under development. What I saw is the so-called global financial complex, modern buildings and apartments, city airport and exhibition(convention) facilities and the millenium dom(BROKEN!). Of course, relatively cheap area, but clean and nice to live in. Perhapse we need to compare it with lots of city development projects in our country.

Residential Houses, Dockland

The Millenium Dom and Moderen Buildings

Walking along to the bank

Hotels, Conventoin Center, Airport, and so on..

(You can find a flight and the leading lamps of the airpot if you look into the picture)

2. London Bridge's Falling Down, falling down, falling down.

A lot of stories there. Anne of the thousand days. The henry 8th and his women. Anglican Church and the Elizabeth I. Yeah, Tower of London. It's a sort of sightseeing complex. Tower Bridge, London Bridge, the Belfast, and msny of stylish buildings like the city hall.

Tower of London

A Guard helping tourist

Tower Bridge. Fortunately I could see the opening SHOW of the bridge!

The Stylish New Buildings and the Belfast..

The HMS Belpast.

It's hard to upload many pictures still. I'll try it again in tommorow night.


Raphael CH Lee said...

Nice pictures of London.
Thank you for uploading.
I knows how difficult it is at blogspot. That was the reason I moved to the Empas.

I've never been in UK.
Pictures are very different from my stereotype image about London.
Pictures don't show me misty and groomy London. GOOD.

Anonymous said...

Wow... What a variety pictures you had taken. Your pictures show that London seems to be a interesting place. But I'm not sure I catch the feeling what you get from this tour. Maybe that feeling comes from the real?

Wind Stopper said...

hey guys. I;m back home right now..I don't like this kinda hardwork... T.T

very often rained in London, but short, and light. I think London has quite pleasant weather in this season...

The feeling..? Hmm. Terrible even though I enjoyed the sightseeing..